An architect appointed to designing an object, a building or a part of a city has to approach his challenge with that same level of diligence and carefulness. From that moment his work ceases to be only his and becomes a sophisticated media among people involved in the project and, secondly, between them and the world. Every single project independently from its size, originates from one person’s needs and wishes and from his acceptance to trust another’s ability to deliver a dream to reality. Often this is related to client’s vision, life and future. This is a big responsibility deserving our best attention. A task that requires fine psychology and accurate scientific, technological and normative skills. Particularly, a process demanding deep respect to the final users and to people trusting us. Putting our culture, knowledge and style inside a project is our biggest challenge. It’s not about preconceived ideas or shapes, it’s about method. Method that lead us to success in the difficult task to merge our personality with our client’s one. Method suitable to make people trusting us so much happier, and not limiting our professional practice or confining our vision. Method becoming a tool based on continuous sharing and exchange of information and requests in order to stimulate a mutual human and cultural growth.