Francesca Nuti & Alessandro Pretini will present the prototype of the new home tap they have designed and developed with Fantini S.p.A. during the “Fuoriluogo LAB” event on Saturay, October, the 31t at 6pm at Stazione Leopolda, Firenze, Italy. Fantini S.p.A. is a leader factory in tap production based in the city of Pella, on the Orta Lake, Piemonte, Italy. “Fuoriluogo LAB” is part of FED, “Festival dell’ Energia e del Design” (Design and Energy Festival) which will be hold the next weekend at Stazione Leopolda. Thanks so much to Simona & Maurizio Chiessi from Chiessi & Fedi S.p.A., and to Fantini S.p.A.