New ACF Fiorentina Official Bicycle

Some of the new ACF Fiorentina official bicycles were presented during the Florence Bike Festival at Cascine Park in Florence last April from 17 th to 19th. Nuti & Pretini Architetti Associati in cooperation with Mauro Niccoli and Officina Velociclo from Sesto Fiorentino, designed these fashionable and eye catching models.  The bicycles will be available for sale in every Fiorentina Store starting from May, 2015.

Furthermore, during a press conference, the City of Florence Mayor Dario Nardella,  Sport Commissioner Andrea Vannucci, Transportation and Public Works Commissioner Stefano Giorgetti,  ACF Fiorentina COO Gian Luca Baiesi spoke about “Pedalare in Viola”. The project concerns the image of the cycling trails on “Fiorentina style” and the set-up of two free and secure bike-parking where fans can leave their bikes during the ACF Fiorentina home games. Nuti & Pretini and Mauro Niccoli worked actively at the implementation of this innovative and sustainable project.

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